The Law Commission consults on reforming the SARs Regime
The Law Commission has released a consultation paper regarding Anti-Money Laundering and the Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) Regime. The consultation sets out a variety of proposals to improve the SARs regime and mitigate its detrimental impact on the regulated financial sector.
The paper identifies a number of issues hindering the SARs regime in practice including:
▪ the large volume of disclosures to the UK Financial Intelligence Unit (UKFIU);
▪ the low intelligence value and poor quality of many of the disclosures that are made in accordance with the present legal obligations;
▪ the misunderstanding of the authorised disclosure exemption by some reporters;
▪ the abuse of the authorised disclosure exemption by a small number of dishonest businesses and individuals;
▪ the defensive reporting of suspicious transactions leading to high volume reporting and poor-quality disclosures;
▪ the overall burden of compliance on entities under duties to report suspicious activity; and
▪ the impact of the suspension of transactions on reporting entities and those that are the subject of a SAR.
The consultation offers numerous proposals to address the issues identified within the SARs regime. Notable proposals include:
▪ altering the reporting threshold to require a subjective suspicion and objective supporting grounds (and whether such a change would comply with the provisions of the 4MLD);
▪ altering the Proceeds of Crime Act to contain a statutory requirement that Government produce guidance on the suspicion threshold;
▪ issuing statutory guidance to indicate that where a transaction has no UK nexus, this may amount to a reasonable excuse not to make a required or authorised disclosure; and to consider introducing an offence for a commercial organisation to fail to take reasonable measures to ensure its associates reported suspicions of criminal property.
The deadline for comments on the consultation is 5th October 2018.
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The Law Commission consults on reforming the SARs Regime