
If you are not happy with the service from Met Facilities or an appointed representative, we want to know about it and we want the opportunity to put things right.

How to complain
You can make your complaint by any means – verbal or written, electronically or otherwise.  You can complain to your usual contact if you wish, or email and mark your e-mail “Complaint”.

What happens next
Your complaint will be reviewed by a senior member of staff.  It might be possible to resolve your complaint straight away.  If so, we will attempt to do so, and if you indicate that you are satisfied with our resolution, then we will close your complaint.

Otherwise, we will acknowledge your complaint and attempt to resolve it as fairly as possible.  We may contact you for further information.

Once our review is complete, we will provide you with a written response.  If we cannot provide a final response within 8 weeks, then we will explain why this is the case and give you an indication of the likely timescale.

If you are not satisfied 
If you are not happy with our final response, or 8 weeks has passed since you made your complaint, then you can complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service.  Their contact details are as follows.

Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange Square
London E14 9SR
0800 023 4567

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